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Help, My Budget Doesn't Work!

Sometimes, when we try to make a budget, it doesn’t work because it’s not right for us. It’s like using a to-do list made for someone else—it doesn’t fit what we like to do or what we dream about. If you use a guide that’s meant for everybody, it’s not going to fit your life perfectly.

Just like clothes that don’t fit right, a budget that’s too tight might stop you from doing things you enjoy on the weekend. And if it’s too loose, you might not be saving enough for the really big things you want in life, like maybe starting your own business or going on a special trip.

A budget is not just about the money you have or the bills you pay. It’s also about what makes you happy. For example, sometimes buying a small gift for yourself or treating your friend to dinner makes you feel good. It’s okay to spend a little on things that make life nice.

The important thing about money is that you decide how to use it. A budget is like a map for you to decide where your money should go. It should make you feel good, not like you can’t enjoy life.

Easy Ideas to Create a Budget That Fits Your Life

Creating a budget that fits perfectly into your life starts with understanding what truly matters to you. Imagine a blank sheet of paper – that's your starting point. This is where you'll begin to paint a picture of your own unique budget.

Know What Makes You Happy

Think about the things that make you smile and feel excited. It might be planning your next vacation, spending Saturday afternoons painting, or watching your kids play soccer. These happiness boosters are important, and your budget should make room for them.

Dreams & Goals

Everyone has dreams. Maybe you dream of visiting the beaches of Hawaii or buying a house with a big backyard. Writing down these dreams can help you see what you're saving for and why it's important to you.

Safety & Security

We all need to feel safe and not worry about money all the time. This could be having some cash saved for emergencies or making sure you’re putting enough away for retirement. These are like the strong walls of a house – they keep everything else standing.

If this seems a bit tricky, don't worry. We've created a workbook called "Explore Your Personal Values" that’s like a friendly guide on this journey. It will help you understand what's most important in your life. This workbook is your compass, helping you to draw your budget map that leads to a happy and secure life.

By using the workbook and taking these simple steps, you'll lay the foundation stones of your budget. This is your money story, and it deserves to be as unique as you are. With a budget built on what you value most, managing money will feel less like a chore and more like a path to the life you want to live.

Build-in the Fun Factor

Make Room for Enjoyment: It’s super important to let yourself have fun with your money! Yes, that's right, include some cash in your budget just for things that make you happy. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so it’s okay to buy a treat every now and then. 

Whether it's getting tickets to see your favorite band or joining a class that relaxes you like yoga, these things are worth your money. They aren't just extra – they're important. These little joys add a lot of sparkle to life.

Think of your budget like a garden. Just as a garden needs both flowers and green plants to be beautiful, your budget needs both the serious stuff like bills and savings, and the fun stuff that makes life special. When you plan to spend a bit on fun, your whole budget can become something you’re happy about, not something that feels like a bunch of rules to follow.

So go ahead and decide how much you want to spend on fun activities each month. It’s not wasteful, it’s really wise! This way, you get to enjoy the small pleasures without feeling guilty or messing up your budget.

Make Your Budget Adjustable

Just like life, sometimes your budget needs a little room to change when things don't go as planned. It's like having an adjustable chair – it can move up or down to fit just right when needed.

If an unexpected expense comes along, like fixing something in your home or a friend's get-together, having an adjustable budget means you can take care of it without too much trouble. It's not about having everything fixed and unmoving, but having a bit of flexibility.

An adjustable budget is a friendly budget. It gives you the freedom to adapt without getting flustered or feeling like everything's going wrong. It's making sure your money plan can bend a little here and there, so you can keep on track without getting stressed

Check In and Change as Needed

Think of your budget as a garden that needs regular care. Just like how you’d take a walk through your garden to see what's growing well and what might need a little extra help, you should do the same with your budget.

Schedule some time every now and then – maybe once a month – to sit down and go over your budget. This is your chance to give yourself a pat on the back for the things that are going well. Maybe you saved a bit more than you thought you would, or you stuck to your plan for eating out less. That's great!

But sometimes, you'll find that something you thought would work just isn't. Maybe you set aside money for fun, but you're not using it, or you find you need a bit more for groceries. That's okay! Your budget isn't set in stone. You can move things around.

Life is always changing, and your budget is something that can change with you. When you check in on your budget, think of it as making small updates to keep it working well, just like you’d water plants that look a bit dry. This keeps your budget alive and just right for the way you live now, not last year or even last month. It grows with you!

Choose What’s Best for You

Saying 'yes' or 'no' to how you spend your money is a big part of a good budget. Just like choosing what to eat for dinner, you decide what fits your plan and what doesn't.

Sometimes, you'll need to say 'no' to things that don't help you reach your goals. For example, if you're saving up for a special trip, you might decide not to buy that cool jacket you see in the store. It's not always easy, but remember, saying 'no' to one thing means you're saying 'yes' to something else that's important to you

And when there's something that fits perfectly with what you want out of life, go ahead and say 'yes'! That could be spending money on a hobby you're passionate about or saving for a house because having a home of your own is a dream come true.

Learning when to say 'yes' and 'no' is a powerful part of budgeting. It gives you control. By making these choices, you're steering your money in the direction you want your life to go. It's all about deciding what's best for you and feeling good about those choices.

Make Saving and Paying Easy

Imagine if you could take care of saving money and paying your bills without even thinking about it. That's what happens when you automate these things—it's like setting up a plan that works on its own.

When you automate, it means you tell your bank to move a bit of money into your savings or pay your bills as soon as you get paid. You don't have to remember to do it every time. It's like having a helpful robot do these jobs for you.

Why is this great? Because it means you can spend more time doing things you love, and less time worrying about if you remembered to pay the electricity bill or put money into savings. Once you’ve set it up, it just happens, and you can forget about it.

Setting up automatic savings and bill payments is a smart move. It gives you the peace of mind that you’re taking care of important stuff without lifting a finger every time. And it helps make sure you're always on track with your budget without any extra work.

The best budget understands how you feel about money. It's not about stopping yourself from wanting things; it's knowing what you want, why you want it, and planning how to use your money to get there.

Your budget is more than a list of numbers. It's about your dreams, what you value, and living your life your way. When your budget truly shows who you are, it's not just a tool; it's a guide toward your dream life.

If everything we've talked about in this blog post is making sense but also making you realize you might need a hand, don't hesitate to reach out for support. We know that wrapping your head around budgets, savings, and all the things in between can be a lot to take in. That's why we're here—to help make it all easier.

No question is too small, and no concern is too big. We're your financial friends, ready to step in with advice, tools, or just a listening ear to get your budget feeling just right for you. Managing your money should empower you, not overpower you. So if you're needing guidance on where to start or you're looking for someone to review your plan with you, get in touch. Together, we can ensure your money starts working for you and your dreams

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